Bridal bouquet
Bridal bouquet
Your bouquet is made with upmost care and consideration. It becomes the star of the show, and the rest of your wedding floral styling will be inspired around this. No matter how much or how little information you’d like to give us, we will create a stunning design for you, bound in a natural cream linen ribbon. Because of our strong position in the marketplace we are able source anything available and best on the market blooms, both locally and nationally. We have 20 + years of experience doing weddings in the Byron Bay area, a shop front and a talented team of Snr Florists, this means we can assure you that your bouquet will hold up and be fresh and gorgeous on the day!
*If desired, please send us an inspiration photo of a bouquet that reflects your chosen style and colour palette, we can make a unique design with your preferences in mind. Email this to with your name as a reference. We do our very best to accommodate any additional special requests you may have.
Our florist is located at:
Habitat 10 Porter St Byron Bay - open Mon-Fri 10-3 and Sat 10-2 or by appointment
*if you require a delivery or pick up outside our shop opening hours, this can often be arranged. Please contact us at or phone 0421 904 176 for last minute or special requests and we will try to accomodate.
Beautiflora @ Byron Bay is closed on Sunday - deliveries are unavailable on Sundays unless pre-arranged.
*Please note the photos are samples and are not an exact representation of your design.