Bouquet Making Workshop Sat 12th May 18
Bouquet Making Workshop Sat 12th May 18
After much fun & floral frenzy last year, this is happening again on Sat 12th May 10-12 - Mothers Day weekend. Indulge yourself in Newrybar at Newrybar Merchants with masses of fresh flowers! For you or your mother or your lover. L O V E in the language of flowers! Our beautiful 'Bouquet Making Workshop'! To celebrate Autumn, we invite you to come and play, with a stunning array of colour tones, natural textures and all things perfectly botanical!
We will be sharing our floristry secrets on bouquet making plus the basics on all things floral.
You will take home your very own handmade luscious bouquet. You can either adore your creation at home or gift it on the Sunday. Alternatively bring Mama-bear along as your Mothers Day gesture of love. How gorgeous!
Spaces are very limited so book soon to secure your spot.